Saturday, January 23, 2010

Photographing Alex

For the last six months I have been promising my niece I would take some photos of her, but you know how it is you get busy and put things of, but last week-end she mentioned that she was going back to Brisbane to live, Goodness a opportunity to take photos was slipping away for me, so I grabbed the camera and of we went, had a ton of fun and took some shots.

So after these photos we both decided that we could maybe play dress ups the following week-end and have a girls arvo taking wedding photos, the results where brilliant, David Harbutt of came for a run down from Rockhampton and Nicole a friend from work came along as our helper,(VALS) for those in the know, the dark and winding weather was perfect for what we where trying to achieve.

If you think she got out of it that lightly and just had to stand there telling us how hot she looked, well we had some very bad news for her.

Enter one drowned bride,

Tuesday, January 5, 2010

Rachel and Llywelyn Wedding

Rachel and Llywelyn where married at Goldston House on a rainy wet afternoon, and are so in love, it was truly a beautiful ceremony. I also would like to thank Geoffery Sinclaire of for being my second photographer, he has a brilliant eye for catching those special moments,

During the wedding there was a sand pouring ceremony, which is a keepsake for life.

Goldston House has the most beautiful gardens for weddings and is a large B & B in George St Rockhampton

Rachel and Llywelyn reception was held in the upstairs room of the Allenstown Hotel which is a great venue is air conditioned and has a great veranda, they had the best cake.

What a great afternoon thanks for letting me take your wedding photos.